"The Day My Cat Saved My Life" is based on a true-life story of a severe psychotic episode which brings the narrator to the brink of suicide, where he is eventually found and saved by his cat.
The film is written and directed by, and stars, Kagan Goh. Originally from Singapore, Kagan Goh is a Vancouver-based multidisciplinary artist: published author, spoken word poet, playwright, actor, mental health advocate and activist. Goh is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker with a number of releases, including the award-winning Mind Fuck (1996) and Stolen Memories (2012). His films have been broadcast on national television and gained entry into respected film festivals across Canada.
And the Mental Filmness Film Festival 2021 starts Friday, October 9th and runs until November 1, 2021! Are you ready? Remember, you can pre-order *free* passes now. https://mentalfilmness2021.eventive.org/passes/buy
"The Day My Cat Saved My Life" screens in Shorts Block No. 2.
You can watch our exclusive interview with Kagan Goh here: https://mentalfilmness2021.eventive.org/interviews2021
Uncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/paoGH9-2X Interviews have posted, check them out! Last year five people expressed an interest in doing an interview for the festival, this year fifteen did!!(??). We have such amazing personalities behind the films at this year's fest. https://mentalfilmness2021.eventive.org/interviews2021
See you at the fest!